Our Partners and Sponsors

Our Sponsors

Our sponsors provide financial and/or business service support to NZ Business Excellence, which in turn allows NZBEF to support organisations on their Performance Excellence Journey.

New Zealand Business Excellence Foundation would like to thank the following organisations for their support

Complete Learning Logo Without Tagline 270pixels high

Complete Learning Solutions is devoted to helping organisations maximise their return on investment in organisational learning and development by providing effective learning solutions. The company provides consulting services in organisational development, learning and development, measurement and evaluation, and instructional design. As a partner with the ROI Institute®, the company has particular strength in measuring the impact of organisational improvement initiatives.


A Force for New Zealand

Every hour of the day, 365 days a year, we protect New Zealand’s interests at sea, safeguard peace and stability within our neighbouring regions and further afield, and help others in times of need with agile air operations across the world.

Business Service and Support Partners

NZBEF has had a long relationship with QLBS and they are critical for our ability to provide Online Strategic Assesment Services.
QLBS Also provide a complete on-line/off-line assessment system that can be customised to individual needs, providing efficiency gains and harvesting data – data that provides added value services such as benchmarking, dashboards and continuous improvement programs. 

IQM Group NZ provides management and technology-related consulting across a wide industry spectrum, including ISO Certification – Routine Surveillance – Re-Certification, Internal & Lead Auditor Training, Baldrige Excellence Assessment, and Business Mentoring. 


The Centre for Organisational Excellence Research (COER) undertakes benchmarking and business excellence research and consultancy.

COER consists of three entities: COER Limited is the CONSULTANCY arm and focuses on “Applying Knowledge”. It provides consultancy in business excellence and benchmarking and organizes the International Best Practice Competition.

Contact us to Become a Sponsor or Partner

New Zealand Business Excellence Foundation

PO Box 331-658 Takapuna 0740

Level 3,
81 Grafton Road,

(09) 489 8791


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